Thursday, December 17, 2009

Sing it baby!

This week has been full of wonderful proud mommy moments. Both of the girls had their school Christmas programs this week. Bryar had her first "on stage" performance on Monday. Bless her heart, she cried from the moment she saw her daddy. It was a rough 30 minutes for all of us! We even ended up leaving Bryar's Christmas party in her classroom early due to major clingieness (is that a word)!

Roxanne on the other hand was a little more use to the "crowd". She's got a few years under her belt of being on stage in preschool programs. She did a great job participating in the musical and singing her solo line. Sing it baby! My poor pictures lacked some quality due to me shaking with laughter and the dim lighting inside the church. However, I could not help but to share them.

Little Bryar trying her best to crawl off stage and run to her daddy!

The little two and three year olds, so cute!

Ummm, someone does not look happy :(

Roxy saying her solo line.

How stinkin' cute are all these little ones!

I thought the red aprons were a great idea!

Roxy's class had a cute winter wonderland themed party table.

One proud daddy!

Mommy loves you, my little shinning stars!

Thank you both for making mommy so proud - XOXOXO

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